Fiera alla Pieve the entire Sinalunga area becomes the protagonist of Valdichiana with the historic Fiera alla Pieve

Annual Events

Scrofiano: "Festone di San Biagio", Patron Saint festival, first Sunday of February (Parrocchia di San Biagio)

Rigomagno: "Sagra del Ciambellino", first Sunday after Easter (Pro loco Rigomagno)

Guazzino : "Festa delle Rocche", Patron Saint festival, second Sunday after Easter (Comitato Festa delle Rocche)

Bettolle : "La valle del Gigante Bianco", food and culture festival relating to the Chianina breed, last weekend of may - first weekend of June (Amici della Chianina)

Sinalunga : "Festa Biancalana", open air market of antiques, modern furniture and collectibles, June 2 (Pro- loco Sinalunga)

Rigomagno : "Rockburger", second weekend of June (Pro loco Rigomagno)

Farnetella: "L’Infiorata", Corpus Domini Sunday (Parrocchia di San Giovanni Battista, people of Farnetella)

Bettolle: "Palio della Rivalsa", second Sunday of June (Pro- loco Bettolle)

Sinalunga: "L’Incantaborgo", third weekend of July (Comune di Sinalunga)

Sinalunga: "Un Bacio a mezzanotte", last Sunday of August (Astrolabio)

Scrofiano: "The High Extravaganza, Birranthology Festival", last weekend of August (Polisportiva Scrofiano)

Sinalunga: "Ciccia in Piazza",  first Sunday of September (Polisportiva Asinalonga e Pro Loco Sinalunga)

Sinalunga: "Fiera alla Pieve", first Tuesday after the first Sunday of October (Comune di Sinalunga)

Sinalunga: "Carriera di San Martino", the closest Sunday to November 11 (Pro- loco Sinalunga)

Farnetella: "Natale alle finestre", event taking place in the weekends preceeding Christmas, (Polisportiva Farnetella)

Sinalunga: "Presepe vivente", evening of December 24, December 26 and January 6 (Parrocchia di San Martino)
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